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for the sapphic & trans community to find friends, events, & lovers. qtpoc founded & self-funded.

Freddie offers encrypted message chats using Signal.
The Feed on Freddie offers media rich posting. Post a video, a picture, a poll, a link or anything you want to share with others.
Freddie offers queer personals - post something about a missed connection, posts for dates, post for friends, or post to rant. Let it out - these are anonymous.
Freddie's Profile lets you showcase who you are in creative ways. Customize with what you're doing, add pictures, add quotes, and add music tiles. Go and try it.
On Freddie we have Spaces - it's where people can organize their community with Freddie.
What you'll find
What you'll find
What you'll find

Queer: Personals, Events, People

We took what we liked from the internet and made it very gay.

Our mission
Our mission
Our mission

freddie is for the lesbians, dykes, trans bbs, nbs, gncs, girls, theys, thems, queers, butches, bis, & those who live unapologetically lgbtq+ lives. we are independently run. no vc money. no selling out. join us.

Carmen Hernandez

Founder of Freddie Social


Stop swipping.
Post a Personal.

Weather app image

Stop swipping.
Post a Personal.

Weather app image

Stop swipping.
Post a Personal.

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